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Cross-browser Testing : Enhancing Beta Testing Quality


Jun 2016
2471 Views 4 Minute Read
cross -browser testing : enhancing beta testing quality

Everyone has their preferred browser that they use in their daily schedule whether it is or if they are working a desktop.

Example: Many app developers would like to stick with the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox rather than approaching for traditional browsers like Internet Explorer or its updated version. Though the preference sets are personal but it involves standards like how fast the website loads on particular browsers, how fast people can perform search and so on.

Not every is equally developed. Some browsers do have consistency with particular OS while some browsers exhibit certain features and claims lack of some by other browsers like auto-update, privacy mode, cookies setting and so on. With the emerging multidimensional variables, there is a gap of differences that highly the way websites and web apps display on and behave across multiple browsers. For this reason, when a web app is about to end its development, it is good practice to take over Cross-Browser Testing.

What is Cross-browser Testing?

Cross-browser testing is, how the website responds and performs across multiple browsers, platform, OS and device. Whenever Cross-browser testing is performed QA checks that whether the web app renders in or is different as the browser changes. It includes of CSS rendering into multiple browsers, Header and Footer, Image, text, Audio and video and so on. Cross browser testing is the challenging question for any software tester as there endless fusions for platforms, browsers, OS, and versions. Dealing with such huge mixture is not a simple task as all browsers exhibit different characteristics in terms of compatibility, OS, Features that compel to render better over other.

Before diving deep inside any topic let's ask few questions to get its core clear. Questions like Who, what, why, when and How?

Let's Start With The Journey By Answering Simple Questions.

What?: In layman's words, Cross browser testing is to your compatibility in multiple browsers to make sure that it renders expected behavior without compromising quality.

Why?: This testing is required to check out the look and feels and the of web page amongst different browsers whether it's same as expected, a bit better or totally distinct.

When?: IT is recommended to start cross-browser testing whenever web page layouts are handy. The comprehensive test can be carried out once when the app is available for QA testing.

Who?: It 's the duty of Testers and QA team to undertake cross-browser testing once when they are assured by the business Analyst and developers and designing team about the needed information.

How?: This testing can be done manually using various Device with multiple versions, and browser and can also perform automation testing but that requires little bit knowledge of coding.

What Do We Look to Do With Cross-Browser Testing?

We determine to maintain Cross-Browser Testing as a standalone while providing necessary resources and investments needed to encourage Cross-Browser Testing to develop a better business tomorrow.

Some Checklist of Cross-browser Testing

1) Checking Page layout in different size and resolutions

2) Page validations with JavaScript enabled and disabled.

3) Page styles

4) Page content alignment: Center, Left or right

5) Checking Page Zoom-in and out functionality

6) Checking font size validations

7) Checking of CSS validation

8) HTML and XHTML validation

9) Checking of Ajax and Functionality implementation

10) Checking Images size and alignment.

11) Header and Footer sections

12) Date and Time formats

13) Checking HTML character encoding with Special characters.

The above list needs to be checked on various browsers and OS.

The challenges Faced : Cross-browser Testing

The increasing development of and digitization taking place has Agile Process. In such scenario, developers and QA team are the building, maintaining consistency and running appropriate test to enhance weband app development quality using some of the tools available in the market. However, development and testing teams can reach success in achievement of the defined goal when the testing infrastructure consist of a fusion of different browsers & various version OS, multiple Mobile Device made available when needed.

Setting up of an in-house testing team that meets all the can prove to be costly, time -consuming and a high challenging process.

How One Can Improve Cross-browser Testing?

1) Finding Appropriate Combinations

Before getting started with testing it is necessary to get a combo off, and machine for testing. As every morning is up with the new technology with the latest browsers that handles JavaScript that makes of combinations which are difficult to test. One best solution is to work with the latest versions. One can also make use of Google Analytics that helps you to decide which browser and OS versions you should go with.

2) Using Emulators And Virtual Machines

Emulators are useful for testing with the old aged versions as it showcases exact look and feel of the websites that looked earlier with older version but it won't reproduce the functionality so when any issue arises it's difficult to judge whether it is in browser or machine. Virtual machines are reliable and configured browser and OS which makes testing easy.

3) Using Mobile Device

Testing o different mobile Resolution and sizes as well as browser gives you exact idea of how an app would behave. It is cumbersome to maintain variation with each phone size and model especially when new updates software are released in.

4) Using Automation

It supports various Versions , and OS that helps you to give exact response and appearance of the app in.

To Conclude:

As cross-browser testing is the ongoing process as part of testing and new devices are released , so the best idea according to app development company Hyperlink Infosystem is to make this testing as part of regression testing to ensure best end user Experience. If you have any update we are here to assist you. Contact us now.

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Harnil Oza is the CEO & Founder of Hyperlink InfoSystem. With a passion for technology and an immaculate drive for entrepreneurship, Harnil has propelled Hyperlink InfoSystem to become a global pioneer in the world of innovative IT solutions. His exceptional leadership has inspired a multiverse of tech enthusiasts and also enabled thriving business expansion. His vision has helped the company achieve widespread respect for its remarkable track record of delivering beautifully constructed mobile apps, websites, and other products using every emerging technology. Outside his duties at Hyperlink InfoSystem, Harnil has earned a reputation for his conceptual leadership and initiatives in the tech industry. He is driven to impart expertise and insights to the forthcoming cohort of tech innovators. Harnil continues to champion growth, quality, and client satisfaction by fostering innovation and collaboration.

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