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The Success Of Every Mobile App Depends On These Factors

App Development

Aug 2017
2875 Views 5 Minute Read
tips to success of every mobile app
Long before now, all businesses required to make huge sales was a working website. Then, the demand for web design services hit the roof and every web design company made a killing. Technology advanced and it became important not just to have a website but to have a mobile friendly website. At that point, every web development company ensured that each website that they developed was mobile-friendly so people could access it via mobile phones.
With the advent of smartphones, technology moved even forward again. Having a mobile friendly website was no longer enough to attract customers, it became necessary to have an enterprise app. So, every web development company began to metamorphose into a mobile app development company.
In fact, the number of mobile app development companies grew so rapidly that selecting a very good mobile app development company is now a little difficult. One thing is clear, developing a mobile app and a website has similar concepts. The major difference is that websites cannot be downloaded even though most enterprise apps are downloaded from the websites of the owner companies.
While a lot of CEOs and company managers believe that selecting a good mobile app development company is critical to having a successful mobile app, others feel that what matters more is the ability to state all the features and functionalities you want in your app. They believe that you will state what you want at the interview stage and any developer or any mobile app development company that can handle all the functions is competent enough. 
As important and indispensable as mobile apps are, the successful ones are less than 10 percent even though there are several millions of mobile apps available right now. However, there are several critical features and functionalities that can make or mar enterprise mobile apps. These features are what you need to point out to your app developer. Some of them have been outlined right below. WordPress development is becoming more popular because WordPress makes it easy to incorporate all the required features for the success of a mobile app. For example, WordPress development offers ease and simplicity. All mobile apps made with WordPress development are very easy to use.
Make your registration form very short
The only reason people will rather order items through a mobile app is convenience. However, some apps make being a first time user difficult. Some apps will give you a long discouraging form to fill because you are a first time customer or user of the app. Nothing can be more discouraging. 
The most important pieces of information are name, shipping address, email address and even phone number. Every other information is not necessary. It is understandable that more information is required for better profiling. Even at that, it is not right to compel new customers to fill a long form. Any android app development company whose app is like that is already losing customers. Instead of compelling your customers, you can motivate them to willingly fill the long form with a one-time discount or other forms of concessions. 
Ensure a very fast loading time
Humans are impatient in nature so any app that takes a long time to load is already a failure. For any ideal enterprise app, it should not take up to 15 seconds to load. However, a loading time of 16 to 20 seconds is still manageable. More than 20-seconds loading time is simply unacceptable. Instead, users will delete your app and download that app of any of your competitors that load faster. 
The CPU and RAM capacity of your mobile phone play a huge role in the determination of loading time of an app. This is why the same app might not take the same time to load in different mobile phones. All the same, make sure your app loads as fast as possible
The smaller the better
Large or heavy apps consume a lot of storage space and they also consume so much mobile data during download. This is why people might avoid your app if it is too big. A lot of mobile devices support external memory but only very few apps work from external memory. Most apps have to reside in the internal memory for them to work. This is why phone storage capacity is a very important resource.
Make it easy to use
An ideal enterprise app should be very easy to use. It should also be intuitive enough for a 10-year-old kid to navigate his way through without any form of assistance. With the number of apps available on the net, nobody is ready to take lectures on how to use any app. Instead, users will dump it for a simpler one. 
The easiest way to make your app very simple, light and easy to use is to reduce the number of features it has. Don’t try to impress anybody with unnecessary features. Concentrate features that are related to its main purpose. 
Lower the requirement
Remember, not everyone can afford a new mobile device every few months. The current Android operating system is Nougat 7.0 but some people are still using Android operating systems that are as low as 4.4 KitKat. Once the phone requirements for your app are too high, you will cut off some people. The success of every app depends on how large the number of its users is. In other words, raising the requirements of your app is like reducing the chances of the success of your app.
It has to be free
Think of any app, you will find out that there are several free alternatives of the app. So, why will anybody pay to download any app? Once you make people pay before they can download your app, it has already failed. Even free apps are begging for people’s attention let alone paid apps.
It is when you have reached an encouraging user base that companies and advertising agencies will begin to pay to advertise on your app. That is when you can begin to make money on your app. You need to get it right first and the figures will follow naturally. 
Include analytics
A very good app must have analytics. This function will give you important daily statistics about your products, services and even the app itself. This report is very important as it alerts you of any problem. For instance, if the daily traffic on your app begins to dwindle, then there is a problem. You need to figure out the cause and the best solution. 
Analytics also reports the number of daily orders of all your products. In case the daily order of a particular product also begins to dwindle, you need to act fast. Without this function, you might not have access to quick alerts to these problems until they have eaten deep into your customer base. Remember, the identification of a problem marks the beginning of the solution.
In conclusion, the chances of your app to succeed will definitely increase if you follow the outlined tips strictly. However, the most important tip is to identify a need gap that your app will bridge. If there is no need gap, even if your app has all the features and functions discussed above, people may not still download it. Remember, all products and services are solutions to certain problems. 
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Harnil Oza is the CEO & Founder of Hyperlink InfoSystem. With a passion for technology and an immaculate drive for entrepreneurship, Harnil has propelled Hyperlink InfoSystem to become a global pioneer in the world of innovative IT solutions. His exceptional leadership has inspired a multiverse of tech enthusiasts and also enabled thriving business expansion. His vision has helped the company achieve widespread respect for its remarkable track record of delivering beautifully constructed mobile apps, websites, and other products using every emerging technology. Outside his duties at Hyperlink InfoSystem, Harnil has earned a reputation for his conceptual leadership and initiatives in the tech industry. He is driven to impart expertise and insights to the forthcoming cohort of tech innovators. Harnil continues to champion growth, quality, and client satisfaction by fostering innovation and collaboration.

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