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Why Do PHP Developers Adore Laravel Framework?

Web Development

Feb 2023
354 Views 9 Minute Read
why do php developers adore laravel framework
Laravel provides a wide range of functionalities that include the fundamental components of PHP frameworks like Codelgniter and Yii as well as those of other programming languages like Ruby on Rails.
Thousands of PHP developers use it as the most popular PHP framework today. PHP development companies hire PHP Developers with 2 to 5 years of experience, which is very comparable to years of programming experience, and frequently utilize Laravel.
A PHP framework is a platform for creating PHP web apps. It offers code libraries of frequently used functions to shorten the development cycle and support the creation of more scalable, secure web applications. PHP development is still used in some capacity on more than 77.6% of all websites with server-side programming that is known to exist.
Here, let's explore the Laravel framework in more detail and discover why PHP developers adore it.
Table Of Contents
  • What is Laravel?
  • What capabilities does Laravel have?
  • Why Build Websites using the Laravel Framework?
  • Is Laravel the coolest PHP framework?
  • Why PHP developers adore Laravel Framework
  • Conclusion

What Is Laravel?

Cross-platform web apps are made using the Laravel PHP framework. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern that splits the backend architecture of an application into logical sections. It is a framework for building web applications with expressive and beautiful syntax that streamlines and makes the entire PHP web development process more enjoyable for PHP developers by getting rid of all the inconveniences associated with working with challenging PHP code.
The codebases of Laravel web applications are clean, efficient, and very scalable. PHP Developers may swiftly increase the functionality of their apps thanks to Laravel's modular packaging mechanism and robust dependency management.
Taylor Otwell developed the Laravel framework primarily to assist web designers in writing code that is simpler, more effective, and more efficient. Despite the fact that Laravel was built using Symfony components, it simplifies a number of routine chores, including routing, authentication, sessions, caching, and others. This frees up the developers' time so they can concentrate on creating features for the app that are related to business.

What Capabilities Does Laravel Have?

These days, PHP often uses object-oriented frameworks. Before using classes and objects, it's a good idea to learn some of their fundamentals.
what capabilities does laravel have

MVC Architecture

The MVC-based PHP framework Laravel makes sure that the presentation layers and business logic are kept strictly separate. The main pattern of the Laravel framework helps to give the ad hoc code some shape. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern is a collection of rules that explains how to make successful web applications fast and simple. Because MVC is supported, creating web applications of any size is simple and practical.

Artisan CLI

The Artisan Command-Line Interface (CLI), is a tool for PHP developers, that allows users to transfer data, manage databases, and generate the core code, controllers, models, and other parts of an app. It dramatically simplifies and accelerates the PHP development process. Using Laravel's CLI, PHP programmers may issue commands and generate MVC files.

Blade Templates Engine

A straightforward but crucial and effective templating engine is The Blade Template Engine.
Laravel's Blade template engine is simple but quite powerful when compared to other PHP templating engines. Data models can be connected, the application's code can be processed in the source templates, and the output can be directed to a specific text file or stream. This templating engine is easy to use, quick, and safe. It has no impact on your web app's performance and does not prevent you from utilizing straightforward PHP code in views.

Powerful ORM

The Eloquent Object-Relational Mapper is an instrument for interfacing with databases (ORM). Saving time and effort is possible because of the ORM's use of an expressive PHP Syntax that is part of the framework's language. It aids in creating and maintaining the crucial link between the architecture of a web application and its databases.


An advanced, open-source key-value store is Redis. Laravel connects to an existing session and multipurpose cache via Redis. It is frequently referred to as a data structure server because keys might include texts, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Redis directly engages with the session.

Why Build Websites Using the Laravel Framework?

Many people wonder why Laravel is the best framework and so well-liked among PHP developers. Undoubtedly, its high quality and usability have contributed to its great appeal, but utilizing this well-liked framework also paves the way for a number of other benefits. They prefer working in silence when creating web applications, and Laravel offers much more, which is the sole explanation for this. Before Laravel was developed, problems with preceding PHP frameworks were thoroughly examined, fixed, and tested.
It's important to remember that the PHP Laravel framework contains testing to guarantee that your web application functions correctly. The following benefits of utilizing Laravel development that will make your website experience effective and seamless:

1. Laravel Development provides a quicker time to market

Laravel framework uses modules to automate repetitive tasks. Because Laravel is an open-source framework, PHP programmers have been working to enhance these resources ever since its release in 2011. It suggests that Laravel contains a large number of pre-built structures and methods that utilize the most recent PHP design principles to easily create responsive web applications.
By using the Laravel framework, you can avoid spending days or weeks on a single line of code. As a result, web application development is expedited, making Laravel a quick and straightforward framework. As a result, it expedites the delivery of applications and turns out to be practical.

2. A more advantageous option for authentication and permission

In an effort to provide a more complex alternative to the Codelgniter framework, which lacked features like built-in support for user authentication and permission, Taylor Otwell created Laravel, according to Wikipedia. You'll be surprised to hear that Laravel can do all of this with only one command. A complete authentication system's login, registration, and password reset components can be rapidly and easily developed using the Laravel framework. It also provides a simple mechanism for managing resource access and setting up authorization logic.

3. Automated unit testing

One of the main advantages of the Laravel Framework is the excellent testing support it offers. The Laravel framework provides automation testing tools, which reduce testing time and guarantee a smooth operation of your web app. Until it has undergone rigorous testing, you cannot guarantee that a web application is error-free and satisfies the initial requirements alone.
It offers simple methods for modeling typical user behaviors (such as submitting inquiries, looking through results, and filling out forms), which makes expressive app testing easier. The result is web apps that function well and have optimized web code. To ensure that the integrated application functions properly when all the modules are joined together, you can unit test each module or component of your application using the PHP Laravel framework.

4. Auto Task Scheduling and Execution

A task scheduling system is necessary for any web application so that it may automate jobs as necessary. PHP programmers built a Cron entry for each task they wished to plan for the past. To speed up web apps, you may, for instance, send subscribers emails, warn app users, or just wipe out the database.
On the other hand, you can stay away from this difficulty by using Laravel's automatic command scheduler. This Laravel framework feature not only improves your web application's efficiency and speed but also cuts your hosting costs. You may quickly and expressively build your command schedule within the Laravel framework itself with just one Cron entry required on your server.

5. Traffic Control

The current position is as follows: the more traffic a web application receives, the more requests per second it must process. Increasing an application's popularity makes it more challenging to control traffic. It suggests that it will be costly to host a web application or that the website server could crash and all data would be lost. You shouldn't want to picture yourself in that situation. The solution offers reliable web server operation as well as effective traffic management. The PHP Laravel Framework offers support for a message queue mechanism for load balancing. The fact that Laravel keeps a web server healthy is just one of its many benefits. The Laravel queue service provides a standard API that may be used with various queue backends. Web queries to your service are significantly speeded up by queues, which allow you to delay time-consuming processes like email processing.

Is Laravel the Coolest PHP Framework?

The PHP framework that meets your goals and adheres to your company's needs is the ideal one for you. One of the most important considerations involves deciding which PHP framework to use when creating a web application, and it depends on a variety of criteria. The following are the general criteria you should consider while selecting a framework for your web app:
How Well-liked is the Framework?
  • Database usage
  • Performance Assistance
  • Integrated third-parties
  • Integrated modules
  • Modularity
  • Feature evaluation
  • Development costs
  • Community Assistance
  • Security
The Codeigniter framework was the most well-known PHP framework until Laravel was developed. However, it was missing a number of essential parts, like integrated user identification and authorization. As a result, Laravel was developed, and it is still recognized as the best PHP framework for building beautiful websites for PHP development companies.

Why PHP developers Adore Laravel Framework

Why PHP Developers Adore Laravel Framework

Encounter with Developers

Typically, a framework is used to begin solving everyday issues and repeated abstract jobs. Its guiding principle is that "Happy developers write the finest code," and it strives to make the development process as enjoyable as possible. Instead, Laravel isolates numerous typical problems in web projects - such as caching, routing, authentication, and sessions - in a beautiful and approachable way for PHP developers. Laravel "assembled" the best frameworks created in various programming languages, like Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, ASP.NET MVC, and others, to get to this stage. Because of this, Laravel is a great tool for creating sophisticated apps with less complicated code.


Laravel has one of the largest (if not the largest) communities among PHP frameworks as a result of its ubiquity. Huge Laracast forums are used for Laravel talks. In addition to many other things, it has Larachat, a Slack channel. As a result, if your issue hasn't already been encountered and resolved, it will probably be resolved quickly. One of the biggest draws for people moving to Laravel today is the community.


We all agree that documentation is a requirement for all frameworks. At https://laravel.com/docs, you may easily explore its features and locate what you're searching for quickly. However, the Laravel documentation is very exceptional! Simple, uncomplicated, and with crystal-clear samples.

Friendly to Novices

Any PHP developer with a basic understanding of PHP may easily start a project from scratch because of its good documentation and vast and active community. The community grows as a result of the low admission barrier.


For the purpose of reducing mistakes and boosting system dependability, Laravel offers answers to the most typical security-related problems. For instance, a single command in Artisan can be used to perform authentication, as we will see below. Hashing, encryption, password recovery, email verification, tokens for requests, middleware, and authentication are a few of the features provided. All are simple to implement and gradual.

Task Scheduling for Jobs

Are there any more demanding processes on your system? The answer may lie in Laravel jobs then! The user won't be affected by this expensive procedure if you start the daemon and transmit what needs to be executed to the execution queue. If your situation would be better served by a scheduled procedure or you wish to execute at a time when there are fewer accesses, task scheduling will solve your problem. Additionally, we may alter the driver that manages this queue with one configuration modification. If the approaches aren't your thing, you can also plan using the same syntax as the Linux crontab. You can schedule when you see fit utilizing straightforward naming ways.


We have mentioned a few of the many advantages of Laravel here. Anyone looking for a solid development using a potent open-source framework can profit from all of these advantages.
With the least amount of code possible while maintaining security and architecture, this framework makes it simple for developers to construct reliable solutions. If you want to reduce the amount of time it takes to create PHP web apps, using a framework is a sensible choice. Which framework you select will depend on the kind of app you're building.
Laravel may be used to create a variety of business applications, including B2B apps, eCommerce websites and apps, and sophisticated business apps for vital corporate processes like inventory and logistics management.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Although there are different qualifications for each Laravel position, all Laravel developers need to be experts in a few fundamental skills. Laravel developers need to be proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create web applications. Understanding how to use Oracle 12c, Microsoft SQL, and MySQL is also necessary. Laravel developers must have a thorough understanding of website development. Laravel developers need to know how to build safe web applications. To prevent attacks like DoS (Denial of Service), SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, malware, and Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks, you must be conversant with the fundamental principles.

Thanks to its cutting-edge features and development tools that expedite web development, Laravel is an excellent framework that beats the bulk of other web application development frameworks. The Laravel framework is used by businesses including Belitsoft, Resourcifi, ARCK Interactive, Light-it, Cheesecake Labs, Innowise Group, Enkonix, Fingent, STRV, and Perpetual.

Laravel's queue structure makes it ideal for complex applications, although it might be slower than some other frameworks and is not the best option for all large websites because it may necessitate the usage of additional third-party solutions for advanced functionality (less in-built assistance). Laravel is a great choice for building websites, e-commerce platforms, web apps, content management systems, and more. But ultimately, it comes down to the project and whether Laravel has the IT know-how required to support it over time.

To build web apps, you must first become an expert PHP user. To learn PHP, we advise starting with a tutorial. PHP tutorials are an excellent approach to learning the language because they give you a complete introduction to how it works. To learn more about Laravel after that, you should look at some online tutorials. Since Laravel is a well-known framework, the numerous websites, videos, and podcasts that are available may help you learn a lot. Once you've started learning about PHP and Laravel, you'll want to join the Laravel community. You can improve your knowledge and skills by interacting with others in the community by reading posts from other users. Apply at a web development company to launch your career.

Laravel developers use the framework to produce new web applications for their organizations or customers. As a Laravel programmer, you may produce static, single-page, multi-page, and dynamic applications. Daily tasks for Laravel developers include fixing bugs, adding security improvements, and improving the application's functionality to better meet customer requests. Laravel developers routinely fix problems identified by users, other developers, and management. The user interface is tested by Laravel developers prior to the release of new applications or the redesign of existing ones. Laravel developers create documentation to make it simpler for users to install, operate, and navigate their projects. Although developers use Laravel's pre-designed modules to build web apps, these modules still need additional code. To assist other developers in using their applications, they also offer software development documentation.

Harnil Oza is the CEO & Founder of Hyperlink InfoSystem. With a passion for technology and an immaculate drive for entrepreneurship, Harnil has propelled Hyperlink InfoSystem to become a global pioneer in the world of innovative IT solutions. His exceptional leadership has inspired a multiverse of tech enthusiasts and also enabled thriving business expansion. His vision has helped the company achieve widespread respect for its remarkable track record of delivering beautifully constructed mobile apps, websites, and other products using every emerging technology. Outside his duties at Hyperlink InfoSystem, Harnil has earned a reputation for his conceptual leadership and initiatives in the tech industry. He is driven to impart expertise and insights to the forthcoming cohort of tech innovators. Harnil continues to champion growth, quality, and client satisfaction by fostering innovation and collaboration.

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